Final Conference of the DFG Research Unit 1695 Regional Climate Change
University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart/Germany, 24 - 26 April 2019
In the next decades, global climate change will have substantial consequences for the structure and functions of agro-ecosystems, food production and security, water availability and the economic development in many regions of the world. The impact of climate change which may assume dramatic proportions in some regions will be attenuated by adaptation measures that will feed back to climate. Detailed regional climate projections are needed in order to develop tailor-made strategies. In a joint, truly interdisciplinary 10-yr program, agricultural scientists, biologists, physicists and economists from University of Hohenheim, Helmholtz-Zentrum München and Justus Liebig University Giessen have investigated the impact of climate change in Baden-Württemberg, Germany, by means of field measurements and integrated modeling. We invite investigators to discuss interdisciplinary results on regional climate change at this conference.